Life Coaching

A life coach is a professional who helps individuals identify and achieve personal and professional goals.

What does a Life Coach do?

The types of life coaches vary, for example, you can have a life coach that helps you with career aims, addiction, mental health, sports and so many more. Sessions take place over a prolonged period, with regular sessions meaning that help with not only building rapport, but helping with goals over a longer period and not superficially.
Sessions with life coaches take place over a short or prolonged period of time to support a person both establish and potentially reach their goals.
The relationship with your life coach is often ongoing and will always aim to support a person in their personal and professional lives. It is centred around supporting you to discover exactly what and how you can achieve what you want in YOUR life.

We can offer the following:

  • One to One Support:

    Assisting Deaf individuals to participate in social activities or accessing practical help and community-based opportunities. This would include :

    • Attending community-based activities
    • Accessing outdoor pursuits
    • Improving their self confidence to access local services
    • Supporting them to appointments independently
  • One to One Home Support:

    Assisting Deaf individual with limited independence to live independently within their in homes and to access community-based opportunities. This would include:

    • Cleaning
    • Shopping
    • Assisting them to attend community-based activities.
    • Simple outdoor pursuits to improve their wellbeing.
  • Outdoor Pursuits for Deaf People

    There is a general stereotype that a disabled person or a person with a developmental disability can’t have a blast. However, this is not the case at all as they can do anything they want. 

    We are working in partnership with local outdoor activities centres in which we can provide the following activities with a BSL interpreter or Deaf experienced guide.

    • Paddleboard
    • Kayaking
    • Canoeing
    • Outdoor walking

    All our activities will provide basic training along with heath and safety in BSL for you to learn to master the activities. Depending on the numbers, then we can progress further to improve your skills with BSL support.

    Please note these activities are from April to November and weather permitting for the above activities to go ahead.

  • Benefits

    Here are some of the health benefits why you should do outdoor pursuits:

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    Exercising outdoors isn’t just good for your physical health.  It helps with your mental health as well. Spending time in nature and the natural light can improve your mood and reduce stress and depression. Engaging in physical activity produces similar benefits and often times relaxes and cheers people up.

    Outdoor exercise stimulates all five senses in a way that indoor activities cannot. Additionally, being out in nature impacts the brain in a positive way, making you feel better about yourself.

    Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is made in the skin when it’s exposed to sunlight. Studies suggest that Vitamin D may have protective effects against everything from osteoporosis to cancer to depression to heart attacks and stroke. Keep in mind, that too much sun can damage your skin. You only need about 10-15 minutes of sun several days a week during the warm weather. Use sunscreen if you plan to be outside for an extended amount of time.

    Research shows that those who exercise outdoors burn 10% more calories when they walk or run than they do when they work out on a treadmill at the same speed. When exercising outdoors, the distractions of your surroundings take your mind off the work of working out. As a result, there’s a much greater chance that you’ll end up exercising longer than you would if you were exercising indoors. Another bonus, kids are twice as active when they play outside.