BSL Advocacy
When important decisions are being made about your life, we will stand by you to help you to understand the important issues, understand your rights and take control of your life.

What is Advocacy?
When important decisions are being made about your life, we will stand by you to help you to understand the important issues, understand your rights and take control of your life.
Advocacy means giving a person support to have their voice heard. It is a service aimed at helping people understand their rights and express their views.
If you’re ever finding it a challenge to get your voice heard during any tough situations in your life, we can help.
We can offer the following:
Some of the common times you may find you need someone ‘fighting your corner’ include:
- When you’re using or need access to healthcare or social services
- When you’re not feeling at your most confident
- When you’re facing a life changing decision – maybe on where you’re living or what care you’re receiving
- When you’re coping with personal or family illness, disability of bereavement
- When you need practical support if you have a mental health issue or you’re in emotional distress
- When you need support to feel fully informed and involved in discussions about things such as medical treatment
- When you’re being stopped or prevented from doing something that is important to you.
Our Aims as Advocates
Assisting Deaf individual with limited independence to live independently within their in homes and to access community-based opportunities. This would include:
- Have their voice heard on issues that are important to them
- Protect and promote their rights
- Have their views and wishes genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives
- Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to:
- Express their views, thoughts and concerns
- Access information, advice and guidance
- Explore choices and options for services and care
Our advocates who are trained are native Deaf or advocates who are qualified in BSL and if you wish to use our service, please do email on at [email protected]